Application Guide Without Service Fee Guide you how to apply for studying in Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute & Study in yrcti

Admission Criteria & Requirement

Basic Requirement for International Students

Students Category  Basic Requirements Learning Period

College Students

(formal schooling with diploma)

1.Graduating from senior high school(or secondary vocational school);

2.Owning a health body

 3 year
Students for learning Chinese language and culture

1.Graduating from senior high school, and the age abov18;

2. Owning a health body

 1 year

If the student is qualified for the graduation requirement, he or she will be awarded with the National Higher Education Diploma issued by the China’s Ministry of Education.

In addition, we offer the Chinese language and culture training courses for all the students. The classes include Chinese traditional culture, history, Taiji boxing, etc. . Meanwhile, we organize students to visit the scenic spot and historic relics in Kaifeng such as Dragon Pavilion and Millennium City Park.

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